Shares of food aggregator Zomato fell 5 per cent on Tuesday, January 7 after global brokerage Jefferies downgraded the stock to 'Hold', according to media reports. The brokerage also reduced its target price for Zomato by 18 per cent from ₹335 to ₹275, indicating just over 9 per cent upside potential. In response to these challenges, Jefferies significantly lowered its …
Deepinder Goyal, the CEO of food delivery platform Zomato, has decided to forgo his annual salary of Rs 3.5 crore until the end of the financial year 2026. He owns a 4.18% stake in Zomato, which is currently valued at over Rs 10,000 crore, based on the company’s closing share price on November 25. ZOMATO’S MARKET PERFORMANCE Zomato has achieved …