Karnataka’s senior Congress leader G Parameshwara admitted that there are many leaders inside the party who have been aiming to be the chief minister of the state. Karnataka Congress has 10 CM aspirants, including me: G Parameshwara When he was asked about his chances of being the chief minister of Congress wins the mandate, he said, “Why am I doing …
HD Kumaraswamy-led Congress-Janata Dal coalition government lost majority in Karnataka Assembly on Tuesday. HERE ARE THE HIGHLIGHTS OF KARNATAKA FLOOR TEST 09:56 pm: HD Kumaraswamy & G Parameshwara met Karnataka Speaker, KR Ramesh Kumar after the trust vote in Assembly, today. Karnataka: BJP supporters celebrate at party's state office in Bengaluru after HD Kumaraswamy led Congress-JD coalition government lost trust …
Karnataka deputy CM G Parameshwara on Sunday slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party and said that Operation Kamala is the saffron party's only legacy amid the Karnataka crisis. In a tweet, G Parameshwara said, "Dear BJP Karnataka, people have not forgotten your golibar on farmers, the republic of Ballari, sitting CM and half a dozen ministers imprisoned for bribes and selling …