Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena has asked Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to reconsider the 'Red light on, Gaadi off' campaign, questioning the effectiveness of such an "ad-hoc" measure as the national capital reels under high air pollution level, sources said on Saturday. But sources in the LG office claimed that city Environment Minister Gopal Rai had lied as the …
Highlights Delhi govt spent Rs 10.46 crore on To reduce vehicular pollution over last 2 years, according to data obtained through RTI application Delhi govt spent Rs 10.46 cr on The Delhi government spent Rs 10.46 crore on Under the campaign launched on October 16, 2020, drivers are encouraged to switch off their vehicles while waiting for the traffic light …
Aiming at curbing air pollution, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Wednesday said that the vehicular pollution in the national capital can be reduced by 15-20% if commuters turn off their vehicle engines while waiting at traffic signals. Kickstarting the 26-day "Red Light On, Gaadi Off" campaign in New Delhi from the ITO traffic signal, the Delhi Environment Minister appealed …
Fake TV Ratings Case: BARC Decides To Pause Television Rating Point For 12 Weeks For News Channels While waiting on a traffic signal, we must switch our vehicles off. Launching another initiative to tackle air pollution in Delhi | LIVE — Arvind Kejriwal October 15, 2020 Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, on Thursday, announced another initiative called 'Red Light On, …