Published : Mar 31, 2023 13:26 IST - 10 MINS READ In his debut novel The Alice Project, Satwik Gade takes the all-too-familiar genre of the coming-of-age novel and infuses it with humour, philosophical meditations, and observations on life’s inane absurdities, making the book a refreshing read. So the name Alice—I just like the idea of having a character have …
Published : Mar 09, 2023 10:40 IST The Progressive Artists’ Group, founded in 1947, belonged to a moment of transition and optimism. However, when Souza, Raza, and Bakre left for Europe after the group’s first exhibition in Bombay in 1948, several new members were added, including A.A. Raiba, N.P. As Souza wrote in the group’s catalogue of 1949: “ur art …