Actor Vishal recently attended the pre-release event for his film Madha Gaja Raja, which was completed 12 years ago and is finally set to hit theatres on January 12. Despite his illness, Vishal’s effort to promote the film has impressed many, with fans applauding his commitment to cinema. Directed by Sundar C, Madha Gaja Raja is a comedy entertainer starring …
Director-actor Sundar C’s long-delayed film Madha Gaja Raja, starring Vishal, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Anjali, is finally being released. Madha Gaja Raja’s delayed release Gemini Circuit produced Madha Gaja Raja also stars Santhanam and Sonu Sood in key roles. Time to regroup ‘Morattu singer’ #Vishal fandom.” And, of course, there were the GTA 6 jokes, “We got Madha Gaja Raja, Before …