Last week, there were reports that Samsung is planning to launch the Galaxy A10s in India soon. The report mentioned that the Galaxy A10 variant could come to India priced at Rs 8,990 with a dual camera setup and fingerprint sensor. The Galaxy A10s now seems like a reality as a new report reveals what looks to be an official …
Samsung’s 2019 Galaxy A series price in India starts at Rs 8,490 for the Galaxy A10 2GB RAM model Samsung’s revamped Galaxy A series has finally marked its debut in India. The all-new Galaxy A50, Galaxy A30 and Galaxy A10 features Samsung’s new Infinity displays and a large 4,000 mAh battery capacity. The new Galaxy A lineup has been launched …
The renders do not show a fingerprint reader and suggest that the A10 might rely only on face unlock. Samsung Galaxy A50 and A30 were unveiled at the 2019 Mobile World Congress, but the Galaxy A10 remained out of sight. Now a couple of leaked renders have surfaced online which claim to show the Galaxy A10 model with a protective …
Galaxy A10 smartphone will be the first Samsung phone to come with the in-display fingerprint sensor. The Samsung Galaxy S10 is said to be a smartphone with a lot of new firsts from the South Korean smartphone maker. As per recent Tweet by a reputed Chinese tipster, the Galaxy A10 smartphone will be the first Samsung phone to come with …