The Delhi High Court has directed the Centre to file a response on a plea seeking declaration that ‘Vande Mataram’ be honoured equally with national anthem ‘Jana Gana Mana’, asserting that the song played a historic part in the struggle for India’s Independence. The bench was hearing the PIL filed by Advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay who further sought that the …
The Centre has told Delhi High Court that both Jana Gana Mana and Vande Mataram stand on the same level and that every citizen of the country should show equal respect to both. "National song occupies a unique and special place in the emotions and psyche of the people of India," the Ministry of Home Affairs said in its response …
A Public Interest Litigation has been filed in the Delhi High Court seeking a declaration that the song 'Vande Mataram' shall be honoured equally with 'Jana-Gana-Mana' thereby having equal status with it in spirit of the Statement made by the Constituent Assembly Chairman Dr. Rajendra Prasad with regard to the National Anthem, on January 24, 1950. The plea filed by …
The Delhi High Court on Friday dismissed a plea seeking direction to the Centre to declare 'Vande Mataram' the national anthem, at par with "Jana Gana Mana", or the national song. "We see no reason to give direction to the respondent to declare Vande Mataram as national anthem or national song," the bench said. The plea, filed by BJP leader …
A plea was filed in the Delhi High Court seeking directions to the Centre to frame a policy to equally propagate the national anthem and the national song -- 'Vande Mataram' on Monday. The plea, filed by BJP leader and lawyer Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, has sought that 'Vande Mataram', written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, be given the same respect as …