The Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Samiti removed the banners and cut the fencing on the entry point of Tank Bund to immerse Ganesh idols despite the ban. The BGUS members led by its Secretary R. Shashidhar removed the banners with orders preventing immersion in the Tank Bund on the road connecting Dr. Ambedkar statue and Sailing Club and also cut the …
The Ganesh Utsav, once a modest celebration attended by fewer than 50 people and led by migrants from the erstwhile Bombay Presidency in Aminabad, has grown increasingly popular and grander each year. According to official data from the Lucknow Municipal Corporation, over 110 Ganesh Puja pandals had been registered by August 27, Friday, for this year’s celebrations. According to organising …
Hyderabad: While the immersion of Plaster of Paris Ganesha idols in the Hussainsagar remains uncertain, the Balapur Ganesh Utsav Samiti has readied an 18-foot PoP idol for the upcoming 10-day Ganesha Chaturthi celebrations, while the Khairatabad samiti has installed a 50-foot clay idol. The Balapur Ganesha idol arrived at the pandal on August 21 from Dhoolpet, where it was made, …