Vijayawada: The Gannavaram police again took Telugu staunch supporter and NRI Dr Vuyyuru Lokesh Babu on Sunday for possessing a satellite phone without proper documents. The police apprehended Lokesh earlier on May 17 when he was suspiciously wandering at the Gannavaram airport corridor when Chief Minister Y.S. Lokesh claimed that he was going to Delhi; hence, he came to the …
VISHAKHAPATNAM: Krishna district police on Friday morning took into custody former minister and Telugu Desam politburo member Ch. Ayyanna Patrudu at the Visakhapatnam Airport soon after the former minister arrived from Delhi by an Air India flight at 10:30 am. Following up on it, police arrested Ayyanna Patrudu when he arrived at Gannavaram airport from Delhi. Talking to media in …