On 3rd October 2023, several members of Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal gathered at the Manchar police station to file a case against the Muslim goons who attacked the house of a local Bajrang Dal activist Suraj Chakradhar Dharam on the night of 29th September 2023. Local members of Bajrang Dal and VHP took the lead in Manchar Santosh …
Aayush Sharma and Arpita Khan's residence was crowded with family members and celebrities on Thursday as they performed Ganpati Visarjan. Salman Khan arrived at the couple's residence on both days as he participated in auspicious festivities along with family members and friends from the film industry. Read: Ganesh Visarjan 2022: Debina-Gurmeet to Bharti-Haarsh, television celebs bid adieu to Bappa | …
Salman Khan and a few of his industry friends, including Jacqueline Fernandez and Daisy Shah attended the Ganpati celebrations at Sohail Khan’s residence on Sunday. The Bollywood celebrities and Salman’s other family members had welcomed Lord Ganesha on Saturday as Ganesh Chaturthi began and took part in Ganpati visarjan on Sunday. Daisy Shah, Seema Khan and Alizeh at Sohail Khan’s …