In a late-night development on Thursday, the Rajasthan government led by Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma implemented a major reshuffle in the state’s administrative machinery. Tina Dabi, who was previously serving as the Commissioner of the Employment Guarantee Scheme in Jaipur, has been appointed as the District Collector of Barmer. Notable Transfers: Tina Dabi and Pradeep Gawande Among the prominent …
Highlights In the month of April this year, Tina got married again to IAS officer Dr Pradeep Gawande And now it seems that the wedding bells are ringing for Amir as well Athar Amir announced the good news through a social media post with Mehreen Tina Dabi and Athar Amir Khan, the former IAS couple captured everyone's attention when they …
Currently, Dabi is posted in Jaipur as Joint Secretary, Finance Department for the Rajasthan government while Dr Gawande is the Director of Archaeology and Museum Department in the same city Indian Administrative Service officer Tina Dabi, is all set to tie the knot again. Taking to her Instagram handle, Dabi shared the news of her engagement to fellow IAS officer …
IAS officer and a UPSC 2016 exam topper from Rajasthan Tina Dabi is all set to marry IAS officer Pradeep Gawande. Tina Dabi to marry IAS office Pradeep Gawande Dabi's fiancé has also posted a picture with her on Instagram announcing their engagement. His Instagram handle describes himself as "IAS officer of the 2013 batch, Rajasthan Cadre, Medico, Marathi, presently …