In a village in Odisha, 19-year-old Shanti* lives with her abusive uncle, who was also her primary caregiver after her parents passed away when she was only 7 years old. Across India, millions of people with disabilities, especially women and girls, face multiple barriers that prevent them from escaping gender-based violence. Rural areas, where many disabled women live, often lack …
Gender-based violence is not just a social issue—it is a fundamental human rights challenge and an alarming global crisis that is a structural impediment to peace and development. Addressing GBV effectively will require a nuanced approach that tackles the root causes of violence, dismantles harmful societal norms, and fosters inclusive, participatory solutions. It involves addressing the root causes of conflict—such …
In Pakistan, many women face violence from their partners or within their homes. Other reforms aimed at tackling gender-based violence include the Women's Protection Bill – an attempt to amend the heavily criticized 1979 Hudood Ordinance laws, which govern the punishment for rape and adultery in Pakistan – amendments to the Criminal Law Act to stiffen penalties for rape, and …
While the Indian constitution guarantees the protection of life and liberty and prohibits discrimination based on gender, policymaking in this field is stymied by several problems. India’s social structure, with long-standing gender inequalities rooted in patriarchal norms and gender roles, plays a significant role in perpetuating GBV. While the common forms of GBV against women in India are acts of …
India’s social structure, with enduring gender inequalities rooted in patriarchal norms, plays a significant role in perpetuating gender-based violence. In the context of this brief, GBV refers to acts of abuse of a sexual, physical, psychological, or financial nature committed against women in India. India’s social structure, with long-standing gender inequalities rooted in patriarchal norms and gender roles, plays a …
H&M has said that the acronym GBV in the tagline was an abbreviation of the Italian designer Giambattista Valli and and any other associations were unintentional. Women’s rights campaigners have unleashed protests against the fashion giant H&M’s use of the slogan ‘I Love GBV’ for its latest collection, as this is a widely used acronym for gender-based violence. Reuters quoted …