Former actor Geeta Basra has said that her cricketer husband Harbhajan Singh has a 'huge involvement' in her day-to-day life, especially now, when they are expecting their second child. Geeta Basra and Harbhajan Singh pose with daughter Hinaya. Geeta Basra and Harbhajan Singh have one daughter, Hinaya Heer Plaha, who was born in 2016. "Hinaya’s was a smoother ride in …
Even as the government allows vaccination for lactating mothers, and mulls whether pregnant women should get inoculated, hesitations and apprehensions about it continue to persist. In fact, my gynecologist has strictly told me not to get vaccinated,” shares Basra, 37, adding, “It’s a huge risk towards the unborn baby. So right now, I don’t think anyone would want to risk …
Geeta Basra has spilled the beans on why she decided not to return to films after getting hitched to cricket star Harbhajan Singh and starting a family with him. The couple announced the news of Geeta’s second pregnancy on social media last month. The photo features Geeta, Harbhajan, and their daughter Hinaya Heer Plaha. View this post on Instagram A …