A day after Shah Rukh Khan shared the trailer of his upcoming Netflix espionage series Bard of Blood on Twitter, he received an advice, but it comes from an unexpected corner. At 7.32 pm on Friday, Major General Asif Ghafoor retweeted Shah Rukh Khan's tweet and tagged him along. In his tweet, Major General Asif Ghafoor hit out at Shah …
On the third death anniversary of Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani, who was eliminated by the Indian Armed Forces, separatist elements appeared to have joined hands with Pakistan in glorifying him. #BurhanWani #JusticeForKashmir pic.twitter.com/DwU8nTbKWW — Asif Ghafoor July 8, 2019 In an attempt to lionize Wani, the spokesperson of the Pakistan Army, Asif Ghafoor tweeted “Nothing comes without commitment, dedication, …