Ghazal Alagh, co-founder of Mamaearth, shared about a memorable experience she had while flying with cricket legend Kapil Dev. During their conversation, Alagh learnt three valuable lessons from the former Indian cricket captain, which she found very insightful. Ghazal Alagh posted this picture with Kapil Dev. "Me and @therealkapildev paji shared a two-hour-long flight, and the lessons I learnt are …
Mamaearth’s co-founder Ghazal Alagh took to X to join the Maldives row with a video showing an aerial shot from her Mumbai-Nasik trip. The image is taken from a video that Mamaearth co-founder Ghazal Alagh shared on X. A few also wrote that the scene captured in the video 'doesn't look like Maldives at all'. “Doesn't look like Maldives, Lakshadweep …