The National Green Tribunal has directed the member secretary of the Punjab Pollution Control Board to submit a report within two months on the last year’s Giaspura gas tragedy, detailing the amount of acid discharged into the sewer. Furthermore, the NGT received a complaint disclosing discrepancies in the operations of a common effluent treatment plant in Phase-II Focal Point Ludhiana, …
The magisterial probe into the Giaspura gas tragedy, which resulted in the loss of 11 lives, concluded without examining the crucial reports such as the chemical examination report of the viscera of the victims. NDRF teams reached and taking initiate rescue operation after gas leak incident at Sua road, Giaspura area in Ludhiana. According to the magisterial probe report, the …
The urban slum for migrant workers in Ludhiana exposes the government’s neglect of planning and pollution control. “The area does not have separate drainage systems for industrial waste and municipal waste,” said Sushil Verma, a dealer in real estate, whose office, Kundan Lal Property, stands near Goyal Cold Drinks. “The State government must explain why, despite collecting heavy taxes from …
The officials of the Punjab Pollution Control Board and municipal corporation on Wednesday conducted door-to-door checks in the vicinity of the area, where the gas leak claimed 11 lives, as part on the ongoing inquiry to unearth the cause of the Giaspura tragedy. Joint teams of Punjab Pollution Control Board and Municipal Corporation conducting inspection at industrial units near the …