Punjab Vidhan Sabha speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan on Monday administered the oath of office to the newly elected MLAs of Chabbewal, Dera Baba Nanak and Gidderbaha assembly constituencies. Chief minister Bhagwant Mann and the Aam Aadmi Party’s state unit president Aman Arora were present as Chabbewal MLA Dr Ishank Kumar, Dera Baba Nanak MLA Gurdeep Singh Randhawa and Gidderbaha MLA …
Punjab bypolls: The counting of votes for the bypolls to four assembly seats in Punjab has begun. Key contestants Among the key contestants in the fray were former Punjab finance minister Manpreet Singh Badal, Kewal Singh Dhillon, Sohan Singh Thandal and Ravikaran Singh Kahlon, Amrita Warring and Jatinder Kaur, and Hardeep Singh Dimpy Dhillon and Ishank Kumar Chabbewal. From the …
Bharatiya Kisan Union activists forced their way through police barricades to approach the election rally venue where Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann were to address AAP supporters in Gidderbaha on Saturday in the run-up to the November 20 byelections. Police preventing activists of BKU from going near the election rally venue in …
National general secretary of BJP Tarun Chugh on Saturday accused chief minister Bhagwant Mann of politicising paddy procurement to divert people’s attention from the AAP government’s “failures” in Punjab. Campaigning for party nominee from Gidderbaha seat Manpreet Singh Badal, Chugh called upon the electorate to vote for the saffron party in the forthcoming bypolls to begin a new political era …