TIRUVANNAMALAI: Deputy Chief Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin chaired a review meeting on Friday and inspected the facilities developed for devotees along the Girivalam route, ahead of the Thirukarthigai Deepam festival. Nearly 40-50 lakh devotees are expected to attend the Maha Deepam event on December 22, with the government anticipating six lakh devotees for the Thirukarthigai Deepam procession on December 13, he …
Visually delightful sculptures on trees are surprising pilgrims on the ‘Girivalam’ of ‘Annamalai’ or ‘Arunachaleswaram’ here. At the start of 2018, the district administration found several well-grown trees along Girivalam path in Tiruvannamalai had withered “due to suffocation underneath their roots”. Speaking to The Hindu, R. Madurai Manikanda Raja, who led the team, said, “For the first time, trees have …