PV Sindhu and Venkat Datta tied the knot in an intimate ceremony last month. In the first look, Sindhu wore an ethereal sea foam green lehenga set. Custom charms inspired by her love story and badminton PV Sindhu's sea foam green lehenga set is from the designer label House Of Masaba. It features delicate details inspired by her love story …
Shares of gold and jewellery retailers surged on July 23 after Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government will reduce the basic customs duty on the yellow metal and silver to 6%. In addition, shares of Titan Company climbed 3.66% to ₹3,371.65 per piece, Tribhovandas Bhimhji Zaveri rose 2.79% to ₹140.20, and Kalyan Jewellers India gained 1.54% to ₹537.05 apiece …
If you are a filthy rich Tesla fan, then you know that even the most expensive Tesla cars might not feel so exclusive to you. However, if you still want a Tesla that is even more premium than their costliest car with all possible upgrades, Tesla S Plaid+, Caviar has brought something you might be looking for. Caviar, a company …