As Ganesh Chaturthi comes to a close, Bhumi Pednekar's love for modaks remains unwavering. And that seems to be the reason the actor took on the challenge to make Ukadiche Modak, and shared the whole process on her Instagram. “I am not a cook, but today I took on the challenge and decided to make some Ukadiche Modak,” she wrote …
Our advice columnists have heard it all over the years. I don’t think either option is a bad one—it depends on your particular family dynamic, and whether you feel comfortable at the idea of getting to know a brand-new cousin without sharing the details with your other relatives. Can I Stop My Husband From Donating His Liver to His Niece?” …
This story first appeared on Food52, an online community that gives you everything you need for a happier kitchen and home – that means tested recipes, a shop full of beautiful products, a cooking hotline, and everything in between! Long before Grandma was making corn casserole with corn muffin mix, long before a regular cornbread recipe called for buttermilk, eggs, …
If you have grown up in an Indian household, chances are your grandmother would make you a blend of steaming sweet-smelling, spiced tea everytime you sneezed a little too much. Dweller Teas, a start-up tea business from Manipur, is bringing back that same taste - and that feeling of nostalgia. The idea of the startup came to Yamben one morning …