The Jodhpur bench of the Rajasthan High Court cancelled the anticipatory bail of an Air Force personnel on the grounds that he allegedly misrepresented and hid material true facts when he argued his anticipatory bail which was eventually granted last year. Justice Farjand Ali observed that during the proceedings of anticipatory bail, the counsel appearing for the accused had only …
The Andhra Pradesh High Court has granted bail to J. Srinivasa Rao, accused of allegedly stabbing Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S Jagan Mohan Reddy in 2018 in the VIP lounge of Vishakapatnam Airport. The Court held that merely using a weapon, and committing an act of violence would not inadvertently amount to an offense under section 3A of the Suppression …
The Rajasthan State Government on Thursday introduced the Advocates Protection Bill in the legislative assembly prompting the State Bar Council to write to the Chief Minister of the State seeking certain amendments to the bill. The bill under Section 3 punishes the act of assault, grievous hurt, criminal force, and criminal intimidation against an advocate in connection with the discharge …
"It needs hardly any emphasis that the act of causing grievous hurt by use of acid, by its very nature, is a gruesome and horrendous one, which, apart from causing severe bodily pain, leaves the scars and untold permanent miseries for the victim," noted Supreme Court while passing judgment in Omanakuttan v. The State of Kerala. With acid attack cases …