The Karnataka High Court has refused to reduce sentence of six month simple imprisonment imposed on an ambulance driver convicted for driving in a rash and negligent manner and causing an accident leading to death of one person and injuring three others in the year 2011. A single judge bench of Justice Umesh M Adiga dismissed the revision petition filed …
It is said ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. A Delhi court has convicted a man of rash driving and causing serious injuries to a person in an accident two decades ago. It was hearing a case against Nawal Kishore, who was accused of driving a tractor rashly and hitting Hira Nand Sharma on the Old Pankha Road in southwest Delhi …
Chennai: Actress Yashika Anand met a grievous accident near Mamallapuram, one of her female friends died on the spot when her car toppled after hitting the median on ECR yesterday night. Yashika's deceased friend, Valli Chetty Bhavani, 28, of Hyderabad, is said to be a software engineer who returned from the US last week and went to Chennai to meet …