Ace cueist Pankaj Advani continued his unbeaten run in the GSC World Snooker Qualifiers as he registered three more wins in the second stage of the tournament here on Friday. Representing Petroleum Sports Promotion Board, Advani defeated Neeraj Kumar 4-2 -01, 54-02, 36-69, 58-26) and prevailed over Himanshu Jain of Telangana by a similar score line with the frame scores …
Ace cueist Pankaj Advani, who recently won the Asian Snooker Championship and World 6-Red crown, will be the star attraction in the 'GSC World Snooker Qualifiers', a national selection tournament, that will be played here from Sunday. READ: Tour de France organisers reveal women’s race will start at Eiffel Tower in 2022 According to Indian coach Ashok Shandilya, the competition …