Tamil Nadu government plans to borrow ₹24,000 crore in the second quarter of fiscal 2024-2025, as per the Indicative Calendar of Market borrowings by State governments/Union Territories, released by the Reserve Bank of India. Tamil Nadu government plans to borrow a total amount of ₹1,55,584.48 crore during 2024-25 and make repayment of ₹49,638.82 crore, as per the State Budget. At …
Hyderabad: The total loans taken by the state government from June 2014 up to February are at Rs 2,41,395 crore. NCDC loans were utilised for sheep and goat development cooperative federation for distribution of sheep and goat while Hudco loans were utilised for construction of 2BHK houses for the poor through TS Housing Corporation Ltd. Power bods/ Uday scheme loans …
The State has borrowed ₹2.41 lakh crore in the form of loans from various agencies since its formation in 2014-15. Loans from the open market constituted the major chunk of borrowings at ₹2.18 lakh crore while money raised from power bonds/UDAY scheme was pegged at ₹8,923 crore. The Central government allowed additional borrowings of ₹1,435 crore in 2019-20 for relief …