Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday hit back at the Congress for calling him 'Ravan'. But it mentioned Ravana from Ramayana to abuse me.” Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge during a public meeting in Behrampura, Ahmedabad, on Monday, likened PM Modi to Ravan. On this land of "Rambhakts", they were asked to say, "Modiji 100 sir wala Raavan," PM Modi said …
Gujarat Elections 2022: Exuding confidence in the victory of Aam Aadmi Party in the Gujarat polls, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann today said that the northwestern state will give free electricity from March. In Gujarat too we will give free electricity to people from March," said CM Bhagwant Mann. He also took a jibe at the Bhartiya Janata Party and …
Highlights BJP suspended 12 party leaders, including 6-term MLA Madhu Shrivastav ahead of polls Development came days after seven BJP leaders were suspended for filing nominations as independents Gujarat elections will be held on December 1 and 5, results on Dec 8 Gujarat Elections 2022: Cracking the whip, the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Gujarat on Tuesday suspended 12 party …