BJP leader Gulab Chand Kataria, 79, was on Wednesday sworn in as the governor of Punjab and administrator of Chandigarh. Punjab and Haryana high court chief justice Sheel Nagu administering the oath of office of the governor to Gulab Chand Kataria at Raj Bhavan in Chandigarh on Wednesday. Haryana governor Bandaru Dattatreya, Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann, former Punjab governor …
The landfall process of Cyclone Gulab started on September 26 evening at about 6.30 p.m., and it may continue for about three hours, the India Meteorological Department said in Bhubaneswar. Intensifying operations against the Naxals and choking the flow of funds to them were the two key issues discussed at a high-level meeting chaired by Union Home Minister Amit Shah …