Amid mutiny in Goa Congress, Dinesh Gundu Rao, Congress' Goa in-charge, slammed his own party leaders Digambar Kamat and Michael Lobo on Monday. #NewsToday with @SardesaiRajdeep — IndiaToday July 11, 2022 Hitting out at Kamat and Lobo, Congress' Goa in-charge said, "BJP was trying to engineer a 2/3 split in Congress and their own party leaders Micheal Lobo and …
All India Congress Committee Goa in charge Dinesh Gundu Rao has called BJP’s attempt to lure two-thirds of the Congress MLAs to their fold a “flop Operation Kamala”. Rao told News18 exclusively about how Digambar Kamat and Michael Lobo, the two MLAs who are said to have been leading the rebellion within the Congress, have been conspiring and trying to …
Goa Congress is in a crisis. Former Goa Congress chief Girish Chodankar alleged that party MLAs were offered Rs 40 crore to join the BJP. However, the BJP has dismissed the allegations, with its state president, Sadanand Tanavade, telling India Today that the Congress is "making baseless allegations about the MLAs being approached and offered money". 2) When India Today …