Four mid and small-budgeted Tamil films, Iruttu, Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu, Dhanusu Rasi Neyargalae and Jada, released on 6 December. After the opening, in the next three days, Iruttu grossed Rs 3.8 crore in Tamil Nadu, with the Chennai city gross being Rs 45 lakh. Irandam Ulagaporin Kadaisi Gundu was second this past weekend at the Tamil Nadu box office. …
A Congress fact-finding committee that looked into the party’s debacle in the Lok Sabha elections in Karnataka has blamed the lack of vote transfer from the Janata Dal for its dismal performance. The report, submitted to Congress state president Dinesh Gundu Rao, parts of which were released to the press, says together the Congress and JD received around 57% of …