Janhvi Kapoor made a stunning appearance during the promotions of her upcoming film Devara in Mumbai, captivating everyone with her breathtaking outfit. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Viral Bhayani Janhvi’s makeup was equally flawless, with soft pink lips, winged eyeliner, and a dewy base that gave her skin a radiant glow. Janhvi was promoting Devara alongside …
Elle Fanning looked chic at the LIVE with Kelly and Mark studio in New York City on Monday. The 25-year-old actress put on a stylish display threw on an oversize blazer over a black halter crop top and low-rise dress pants for her appearance on the morning show. Elle Fanning looked stunning at the LIVE with Kelly and Mark studio …
Naomi Campbell showed off her impeccable sense of style in a glamorous black gown as she stepped out amid Paris Fashion Week. Fashion icon: Naomi Campbell showed off her impeccable sense of style in a glamorous black gown as she stepped out amid Paris Fashion Week Glamour queen: The fashion icon, 50, made a typically glamorous exit in a chenille …