New Delhi: Amid the ongoing Hanuman Chalisa row in Maharashtra, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Monday broke his silence on the issue, saying that no one should teach the lesson of Hindutva to Shiv Sena. On the issue of reciting Hanuman Chalisa outside Matoshree, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said that if someone wants to come to Matoshree, then come, but …
Navneet Rana on Monday wrote a letter to Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla alleging torture following her arrest over her threats to recite the Hanuman Chalisa outside Uddhav Thackeray's residence. READ | Uddhav Thackeray framed us, says arrested MLA Ravi Rana as Hanuman Chalisa row escalates "Shiv Sena’s abandonment of the pure Hindutva principles is apparent from the fact that …
Highlights Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray broke his silence on the ongoing 'Hanuman Chalisa' row He said that 'dadagiri' won't be tolerated. Thackeray said Shiv Sena's Hindutva is "Gadadhari", a reference to Lord Hanuman who carries mace, while the Hindutva of opponents is "Ghantadhari". The Hanuman Chalisa row Amravati MP Navneet Rana and her MLA husband Ravi Rana were arrested on …
Union minister Narayan Rane on Saturday attacked the Shiv Sena amid the Hanuman Chalisa row and said Shiv Sena can go to anyone, any party that offers them the chief minister post, taking a dig at Shiv Sena walking out of its alliance with the BJP to form the government in the state with the Congress and the Nationalist Congress …