Expelled BJP leader and former state cabinet minister Harak Singh Rawat on Friday joined the Congress party ahead of the Uttarakhand assembly polls. Harak Singh Rawat today took a dig at the BJP, saying, "When Congress wins with full majority on March 10, that will be my apology. DHAMI REMOVED RAWAT Earlier, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami also wrote to …
Former Uttarakhand Cabinet minister Harak Singh Rawat is learnt to have met senior Congress leaders in New Delhi on Wednesday in a bid to rejoin the party amid increasing opposition to his return. Aware of the increasing opposition to his re-entry into the Congress, Harak Singh Rawat met senior party leaders in Delhi to make his case, sources said. With …
Harak Singh Rawat And Pushkar Dhami Meeting: The political stir in Uttarakhand has calmed down. On one hand, Congress convinced Harish Rawat, and on the other hand, BJP managed to resolve Harak Singh Rawat's resentment. Amid the speculations of resignation, Harak Singh Rawat underwent a change of heart and met CM Pushkar Singh Dhami on Saturday evening. Harak Singh Rawat …