Former Uttarakhand Forest Minister Harak Singh Rawat's daughter-in-law, Anukriti Gusain, has quit the Congress citing personal reasons. In a letter addressed to the State Congress president, Ms. Gusain on Saturday said she was resigning from the primary membership of the party for personal reasons. A former beauty pageant winner, Ms. Gusain had unsuccessfully contested the 2022 Assembly polls from Lansdowne …
Weeks before the Uttarakhand assembly elections, expelled Bharatiya Janata Party minister Harak Singh Rawat on Friday joined the Congress, along with his daughter-in-law Anukriti Gusain, in New Delhi in presence of former chief minister Harish Rawat. Former BJP leader Harak Singh Rawat and his daughter in law Anukriti flash victory sign after joining Congress, in New Delhi, ahead of the …