Singer Krishnakumar Kunnath’s untimely death after a concert in Kolkata on May 31 has shocked the film fraternity across India. Having started his career as a singer with A. R. Rahman in the 90s, KK’s first hit in Tamil was the evergreen song, ‘Kalloori Salai’, in Kadhal Desam. In 2003, he had two major hits composed by Harris Jayaraj — …
Playback singer Krishnakumar Kunnath, popularly known as KK, breathed his last on May 31 evening. Tamil music composers Harris Jayaraj, Santhosh Narayanan and Yuvan Shankar Raja took to social media to remember KK with fond memories. HARRIS JAYARAJ, YUVAN AND SANTHOSH NARAYANAN MOURN KK'S DEMISE Playback singer KK's sudden demise sent shockwaves across the nation. @jdjeryofficial @thinkmusicindia @SonyMusicSouth — Harris …