Amazon Prime Video’s Paatal Lok emerged as one of the best web series of 2020 and its lead actor, Jaideep Ahlawat, raked in a tonne of compliments for his performance. Jaideep Ahlawat played Inspector Hathiram Chaudhary in Paatal Lok. In Paatal Lok, Jaideep played Hathiram Chaudhary, a Delhi Police official who lands upon an attempt-to-murder investigation. Us actors just keep …
Before actor Neeraj Kabi took on the role of a media tycoon who escapes assassination in his latest project "Paatal Lok", he was eyeing the part of Inspector Hathiram Chaudhary after he read about the fascinating journey the character goes through. Kabi, best known for films "Talvar", "Ship of Theseus", and web series "Sacred Games", said the Amazon Prime Video …