The Paatal Lok Season 2 trailer has been released. “Indian web series platform need this type of content to compete with foreign content well done team paatal lok,” remarked one fan. “Very few web series gives you a satisfying end,paatal lok was one of them,with all the suspence,all the drama these series make it all worth it,i hope season 2 …
After receiving praises galore for his performances in Gangs of Wasseypur and Raazi, among other films, Jaideep Ahlawat is finally playing the lead role in a web series. The actor is playing the role of Inspector Hathiram Chaudhary in Amazon Prime's Paatal Lok. Excerpts from the conversation: HATHIRAM CHAUDHARY IS A VULNERABLE MAN TRYING TO PROVE HIMSELF After playing an …
Actor Jaideep Ahlawat is excited about his upcoming Paatal Lok, and says it is great to be part of a series which does not shy away from bringing out the dark side of these uncertain times. “It is an incredible honour to be a part of a series that does not shy away from bringing out the dark side of …