Amazon Prime Video’s latest Hindi original series Paatal Lok released on Friday to rave reviews. Jaydeep Ahlawat plays a Delhi cop in Paatal Lok. “There are primarily three classes, the upper, middle and lower which I personally associated to Swarg Lok, Dharti Lok and Paatal Lok, essentially derived from heaven, earth and the netherworld. the protagonist of the show, who …
We used to be heroes, you know. Neeraj Kabi plays journalist-anchor Sanjeev Mehra in Paatal Lok Within the nine episodes of Paatal Lok, we visit all these three worlds. Jaideep Ahlawat plays Inspector Hathiram Chaudhary in Paatal Lok The characters in the series, for one, are picked out of your neighbourhood. Abhishek Banerjee is Vishal AKA Hathoda Tyagi in Paatal …
Amazon Prime Video dropped the trailer of its upcoming crime thriller Paatal Lok on May 4. The 3-minute trailer begins with a voice-over on the three worlds - swarg lok, dharti lok and paatal lok. Watch the trailer here : Sudip Sharma, the creator of Paatal Lok, is positive that the series will keep the viewers on the edge of …