The incident in Delhi’s Chawri area could be a political turning point. Cabinet Minister and Delhi BJP leader Harsh Vardhan visited the area the next day and assured the locals that those who have vandalised the temple won’t be spared. In Seelampur, AAP’s Haji Ishraq defeated veteran Congress leader Chaudhary Mateen Ahmed who was elected to the Delhi Legislative Assembly …
AAP leader Imran Hussain lodged a complaint with the police against BJP’s Manjinder Singh, for tweeting against him and accusing him of instigating the crowd to vandalise a temple in Delhi’s Hauz Qazi. New Delhi: Delhi Environment and Forest Minister Imran Hussain on Wednesday lodged a complaint with the police against BJP leader Manjinder Singh, for tweeting against him and …
The BJP on Wednesday accused Delhi Cabinet Minister Imran Hussain of being involved in an attack on a Hindu temple in Hauz Qazi area of the old city, with the Minister calling the claim "baseless and false" and filed a police complaint against BJP leaders. Among the BJP leaders who made the allegations were former Union minister and BJP's Rajya …