A 32-year-old man from Rajasthan, accused of threatening to kill Bollywood actor Salman Khan, was apprehended in Karnataka and handed over to Maharashtra Police on Wednesday, officials said. A man who sent death threat to Salman Khan has been arrested One held in Salman Khan death threat case "Based on information received from the Maharashtra ATS, one person was apprehended …
The Haveri District Police arrested a man from Rajasthan in Haveri on Wednesday on the charge of issuing death threat to Bollywood star Salman Khan and handed him over to the Anti Terrorism Squad of Maharashtra. According to Superintendent of Police Anshu Kumar, the accused, identified as 32-year-old Bhikha Ram alias Vikram, a native of Jalore in Rajasthan, was arrested …
Former Karnataka chief minister Basavaraj Bommai on Sunday said that attempts have been made to hush up the moral policing incident of Haveri in which the police have charged the accused with gangrape, by offering money to the victim. Attempted to hush up Haveri gangrape case by offering money, alleges Bommai According to a video that has gone viral, six …
Karnataka News: The moral policing incident in Haveri that saw seven men barge into a hotel room where a 26-year old woman and a 40 year old man had checked in took a new turn when the woman had alleged that she was raped by the gang, according to media reports. "On Thursday afternoon, the victim's statement was recorded in …