The Enforcement Directorate investigating the land-for-jobs case involving RJD chief Lalu Prasad's family alleged that a former employee at the 'gaushala' of Rabri Devi, Lalu's wife, accepted property as a bribe from a railway job aspirant. The ED claimed the property was later transferred to Lalu Prasad's daughter, Hema Yadav. Chargesheet filed earlier The ED filed a chargesheet naming Lalu …
NEW DELHI: The Enforcement Directorate on Tuesday filed its first charge sheet in the ongoing probe into the Railways land-for-jobs scam against RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav’s wife, former Bihar Chief Minister Rabri Devi, their daughter Misa Bharti and others under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. The RJD chief’s other daughter Hema Yadav, an alleged “close …
The Enforcement Directorate has attached six properties having book value of ₹6.02 crore in connection with the alleged land-for-job scam involving former Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, his family members, and others. According to the agency, the immovable assets belong to Mr. Prasad‘s wife Rabri Devi; their daughter Misha Bharti; Vineet Yadav, the husband of another daughter, Hema Yadav; and …
Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad Yadav RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav has expressed anger over his pregnant daughter-in-law’s harassment during the Enforcement Directorate raids in connection to the land-for-jobs scam at his son, Tejashwi Yadav’s Delhi residence. "We have àä¹àä®àäèàå àäÆàäªàä¾àääàäàä¾àä² àäàä¾ àäàä¾àä²àä¾ àäæàåàä° àäàå àäæàåàäàä¾ àä¹àåàåä àä¹àä®àäèàå àäµàä¹ àä²àäáàä¼àä¾àä àäàå àä²àäáàä¼àå àäåàåàåä àäÆàäçàä¾àä°àä¹àåàäè àäªàåàä°àääàä¿àä¶àåàäçàä¾àääàåàä®àä àä®àä¾àä®àä²àåàä àä®àåàä àäÆàä àä®àåàä°àå …
The story so far: The Central Bureau of Investigation on October 7 filed a chargesheet at Delhi’s Rouse Avenue Court against former Railways Minister and Rashtriya Janata Dal chief Lalu Prasad, his wife Rabri Devi and 14 others, including candidates who got jobs in the alleged land-for-jobs scam. Land transfers The agency alleged that parcels of land belonging to those …