Kunar Hembram, the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Lok Sabha member from West Bengal’s Jhargram seat, which is reserved for Scheduled Tribes, joined the ruling Trinamool Congress on Sunday afternoon alleging that the BJP is an anti-tribal party. They don’t want to recognise the rights of tribal communities,” Hembram, 61, who was denied a ticket by BJP this year, told the audience …
The Ranibandh Assembly constituency, reserved for Scheduled Tribes, lies in the Bankura district of West Bengal. Past election results and winners In the 2016 election, TMC candidate Jyotsna Mandi trounced the incumbent CPM MLA by 23,313 votes. In the 2011 Assembly election, CPM leader Deblina Hembram defeated TMC’s Falguni Hembram by 6,859 votes. Elections for the West Bengal Assembly will …