The Bombay High Court on Tuesday rejected the bail plea of dismissed Mumbai police officer Sunil Mane, accused in the 2021 Antilia bomb scare and businessman Mansukh Hiren's murder. The court cited strong evidence, including statements from protected witnesses and former Mumbai police commissioner Param Bir Singh, which allegedly pointed to a larger preplanned conspiracy. The bench referred to its …
The Bombay High Court, while granting bail to dismissed Mumbai cop Riyazuddin Kazi, surmised that he neither knew the gelatine-laden vehicle outside industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence nor of the businessman Mansukh Hiran murder case. The National Investigation Agency’s case against Kazi was a meeting of minds between Kazi and the main accused, Sachin Waze - a dismissed Mumbai cop. However, …
The Gauhati High Court has granted anticipatory bail to Assamese litterateur Hiren Gohain and KMSS leader Akhil Gogoi, against whom the police had registered a sedition case. On the basis of comments made by the Dr. Hiren Gohain, Senior journalist Manjit Mahanta and Akhil Gogoi during their speech in a meeting on January 7 to protest against the Citizenship Amendment …