On Saturday night, in response to ‘hackers’ who were talking about the security threat that Aadhaar poses, TRAI chief RS Sharma published his Aadhaar number online and challenged the hackers to prove what harm they could do. What followed was netizens going back and forth, and the hackers, seemingly publishing publicly available data as data hacked using Sharma’s Aadhaar number. …
RS Sharma, former UIDAI director general, has been an ardent supporter of the Aadhaar programme. After causing a flutter on social media with his Aadhaar dare, Trai Chairman R S Sharma has said he had thrown an open the challenge to Twitterati — to prove how mere knowledge of the 12 digit number could be misused to cause harm — …
Giving out his Aadhaar number, RS Sharma asked to be shown “one concrete example” where “harm” can be done. Note: Since the time this debacle unfolded, UIDAI has issued an official press release dismissing the claims of the French security expert going by the pseudonym Elliot Alderson A sharp exchange of tweets on Saturday evening led to the leaking of …
Do you know that the full name of TRAI chairman R S Sharma is Ram Sewak Sharma? These private details, along with many more like his WhatsApp DP, his landline number, his emails IDs created with Gmail and Yahoo, and his frequent flier number with Air India, have been leaked on Twitter after Sharma tweeted out his 12-digit Aadhaar and …