BJP leader Shehzad Poonawalla on Monday, launched a sharp attack on the Aam Aadmi Party national convenor Arvind Kejriwal over ‘Sheesh Mahal’ expenses saying, that during COVID when people in Delhi waited for oxygen and food, Kejriwal was busy building his palace. Now the CAG report has also come out.” Poonawala said that under the leadership of Atishi and Kejriwal, …
Susie Maroney's face is blistered, her lips swollen, her every muscle screaming out in agony, as Fidel Castro's gun-toting guards march her out of her hotel and motion her into a waiting car. Susie Maroney has opened up about her unlikely relationship with Cuban dictator Fidel Castro The Australian marathon swimmer had only just begun to recover from a marathon …
If you ask anyone in Cooch Behar where is the Rajbari, they will show you the palace that Maharani Gayatri Devi spent her childhood in the early 1900s, and Union Minister Prahlad Singh Patel held a cultural mahotsav in February this year. Two months later, it is election time and Ananta Rai is at his palace in Cooch Behar for …
Israeli authorities are set to unveil structures within King Herod's hilltop palace-fortress Herodium, in the Judaean Desert, that were previously off-limits. The hugely popular tourism destination is in the occupied West Bank but falls in an area where Israel exercises full military and civilian control Located about six miles south of Jerusalem, the site was also the burial location of …