The Verdict Deepfake videos of Sudha and Narayana Murthy falsely claim they launched a project enabling users to earn Rs 1 lakh a day through AI-powered software. A viral Facebook video featuring Indian social worker and philanthropist Sudha Murthy claims she has launched a project enabling people to earn Rs 100,000 a day. We've previously fact-checked similar deepfake videos featuring …
CHENNAI: Living with HIV is a complex battle marked not only by physical and mental hardships but also by the profound social stigma surrounding the illness. G Sanjai, a 21-year-old from rural Namakkal, who has been living with HIV since birth, recently took a courageous decision to openly share his condition in a bid to dispel of the general prejudice …
Bees are an essential part of our planet’s ecosystem and when Texas Bee Works heard about a colony of bees living in a house under the threat of extermination, they jumped right into action. A recent TikTok video doing the rounds on the internet has left netizens impressed at how Erika Thompson, the beekeeper behind Texas’ bee saving organisation saved …