A two-judge bench of the Telangana High Court, comprising Chief Justice Alok Aradhe and Justice T. Vinod Kumar, granted four weeks’ time to the state government to take a decision on restoring the rich heritage of British Residency at Koti Women's College. Ankushapur village layout: HMDA gets time A two-judge of the Telangana High Court, comprising Chief Justice Alok Aradhe …
Hyderabad: The land inside Nadem Cheruvu, a 52-acre ‘identified lake’ worth crores of rupees in Ghatkesar under the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority, was mortgaged after Mandal Revenue Officers issued a no objection certificate. According to official records, Nadem Cheruvu, with HMDA identity number 2625 and a 52-acre full tank level, is located in Venkatapur village, Korremula revenue division, survey numbers …
Hyderabad: Even as unauthorised constructions and layouts have been mushrooming across the city, officials of the HMDA are unaware about the status of the integrated master plan for the city and its implementation. The municipal authority has been turning a Nelson’s Eye even to the instructions given by Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao who in January asked them prepare a …