Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority has decided to take up beautification works worth Rs 62.89 lakh at the Osmania General Hospital to give the iconic facility a facelift. However, the HMDA has now decided to paint 5,000 square feet inside the structure, replace the main entrance with the new one, lay about 200 metre vacuum dewatered cement concrete road, …
The government has ignored the legal position that it did not have the power to repeal Regulation 13 of Zonal Regulations, 1981. it has overlooked the fact that under the Master Plan, 2010 certain areas of Hyderabad have been declared as special reservation zone which incorporates “heritage buildings and heritage sites. Under the misimpression that since Regulation 13 of the …
Hyderabad: Sternly admonishing the Telangana state government for ignoring its duty of preserving the heritage, architectural identity and character of Hyderabad, the Telangana High Court on Monday set aside the decision of the Council of Ministers to construct a new legislative Assembly complex at the Errum Manzil palace site. Observing that the proposed construction of a new legislative complex would …