In a groundbreaking move, the Union Budget 2024-25 has introduced sweeping changes to the capital gains tax regime. View Full Image Graphic by Pranay Bhardwaj Lucrative option in ETFs In a similar vein, the budget aligns the tax rates on gold and silver exchange-traded funds with those of listed equities, offering investors a more straightforward and potentially more lucrative option …
In the global transition towards sustainable financial choices, India is making waves. While at its nascent stage, India’s journey toward sustainability is marked by robust government action, regulatory push, a surge in ESG-centric funds, and corporate commitment to greener practices. Government and Regulatory Backing Government’s Initiatives: Top Indian fund houses are on the cusp of rolling out ESG-focused offerings, with …
There is good news for high net worth individuals. Hence, our choice has been to set up a unit in GIFT City that caters to international investment services for Indian nationals," said Pramod Gubbi of Marcellus. If not for GIFT City, Indian managers might have had to set up a fund outside India, such as in Singapore or Dubai, which …
During tumultuous times, one should always root for basics. One must always endeavour to behave like the typical rational human and take decisions objectively instead of responding to the news flows or market reactions. SAA would frequently stay the course even during turbulent times and typically includes the long-term needs and requirements of the investor. Conduct Due Diligence Conducting adequate …