WASHINGTON — Concern for U.S. democracy amid deep national polarization has prompted the entities supporting 13 presidential libraries dating back to Herbert Hoover to call for a recommitment to the country’s bedrock principles, including the rule of law and respecting a diversity of beliefs. The statement released Thursday, the first time the libraries have joined to make such a public …
The federal government on Tuesday laid out two options for preventing the Colorado River’s depleted reservoirs from falling to critically low levels, saying water cuts could be imposed across the Southwest by following the water-rights priority system or by using an across-the-board percentage. Under a second alternative, the Bureau of Reclamation would analyze the effects of reductions “distributed in the …
View of the Colorado River continuing past Hoover Dam, on the border between Nevada and Arizona, on April 3. “It’s a great snowpack,” said Bill Hasencamp, manager of Colorado River resources for the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. “This snowpack means we don’t need nearly the level of cuts as we thought we might have just four months ago,” …