A day after a woman filed a complaint against Ganesh Acharya alleging that he had forced her to watch pornography, actor Tanushree Dutta has said that Bollywood should boycott the choreographer. "It's time Bollywood and the other Indian film industries boycott choreographer Ganesh Acharya completely. Recalling the trauma she faced, Tanushree said even though Acharya was party to all the …
Bharatiya Janata Party MP Udit Raj on Tuesday supported actor Nana Patekar, who has been accused for sexually assaulting co-actor Tanushree Dutta 10 years ago on the sets of Horn Ok Pleasss. The BJP MP questioned Tanushree’s intent behind raking up the issue ten years since it happened. Speaking to Times Now, BJP leader Shaina NC reacted to Raj’s comment …