It's the longest-running reality series in Australia's history. The shocking scandal kicked off when Kylie sensationally quit the show and flew home to Cairns following Brad's flirty exchange with fellow contestant Mimi Belperio, remarking that he would 'follow' her OnlyFans account. The Block's most recent drama has seen contestants Kylie and Brad's marriage implode before our very eyes The shocking …
Scott Cam is reportedly ready to hang up his tool belt and retire from The Block after 14 years as its host. Scott Cam, 61, is reportedly ready to hang up his tool belt and retire from The Block after 14 years as its host However, the deal is said to have only covered two years, keeping Scott on as …
"Fox & Friends" host Steve Doocy gently corrected Sen. Tim Scott on basic facts about criminal investigations during a segment on the FBI search of Donald Trump's home. Investigators carried out a search warrant last week at Mar-A-Lago and seized 11 sets of top-secret documents the former president may have illegally taken from the White House, and the South Carolina …